Drunk Driving can influence your concentration & reduce your attention span|Cyberabad Traffic Police

Drunk Driving can influence your concentration & reduce your attention span|Cyberabad Traffic Police

Driving under the influence of alcohol can influence your concentration and reduce your attention span.

A non-fatal accident in Madhapur.

Having alcohol in your system will cause your body to react more slowly to certain situations. Since your reaction time is slowed, it will increase the likelihood of an accident because you won’t be able to respond to something happening as quickly as you would if you were sober. For instance, if someone stops short in front of you or cuts you off, you may run into the back of them rather than being able to think fast, brake, and avoid an accident.
Not only will you have slower reflexes, but being under the influence of alcohol will also affect motor skills such as your hand, eye, and foot coordination. These coordination skills are incredibly crucial for being able to safely drive a car, and if they are impaired, you will be putting yourself and others in danger.

#RoadSafety #RoadSafetyCyberabad #DrunkDriving

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Cyberabad Traffic PoliceRoad SafetyRoad Safety Awareness

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