639 Hz – ATTRACT YOUR CRUSH - A SPECIFIC PERSON – Meditation Music (With Subliminal Affirmations)

639 Hz – ATTRACT YOUR CRUSH - A SPECIFIC PERSON – Meditation Music (With Subliminal Affirmations)

639Hz meditation music to attract a specific person, with subliminal messages.
You can listen to it with or without headphones.

Affirmations in the video:

I am attracting the person I like,
I know I can attract whoever I want,
I can have whoever I want,
The person I like likes me back,
It is easy for me to attract who I want,
It is natural for me to get who I want to notice me,
It is natural for me to get who I want to like me,
I can easily make the person I want fall in love with me,
I can have a relationship with the person I like,
I can imagine being with the person I want,
I know I am able to have the person I want,
I am grateful I can attract the person I like.

You are attracting the person you like,
You know you can attract whoever you want,
You can have whoever you want,
The person you like likes you back,
It is easy for you to attract who you want,
It is natural for you to get who you want to notice you,
It is natural for you to get who you want to like you,
You can easily make the person you want fall in love with you,
You can have a relationship with the person you like,
You can imagine being with the person you want,
You know you are able to have the person you want,
You are grateful you can attract the person you like.

All the affirmations are made by me. The music is modified by me. The music and the picture are either made by me or I have permission to use them.

Peaceful Ambient Background Music - This Fascinating world by CO.AG Music

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