How to work at the computer correctly for eyesight?
First of all, for users who are forced to spend hours in front of monitor, eyes get tired and tears appear, neck and shoulders numb, posture deteriorates, immunity decreases – And this is not the end of a list of unfavorable consequences which can appear for a very long time. All of this is not without reason. But if a person's work is associated with mandatory use of computer, then its harmful effects can be resisted with the exercises published in books and many magazine articles and in my previous videos.
The rules for the safe use of a computer a little different from the rules reading and watching TV. There is, however, a significant difference in recommendations for the location of TV and monitor screens, unlike a television screen, which should be located at eye level, the computer monitor should be located slightly above this level, to relieve the rectus muscles of the eyes. Working with a computer, we involuntarily look at the keyboard, then at monitor, thereby training muscles that are usually little used in life of modern person. However, the monitor must be positioned on such height so that you don't have to strain your neck. In this case, only the muscles of the eyes are trained, and the cervical vertebrae should be relaxed.
Of course, it is very important to arrange your chair with maximum comfort. or a chair with a special orthopedic roller under your back or placing the back of the chair under the natural deflection of the lower back. Important and lighting, and the color of the walls, and the shade of the curtains, which is so often written about in recommendations. And the ability to throw your eyes from the screen into the distance. But even more important, in my opinion, from time to time to switch your attention from a close study of information to special computer programs to relieve eye strain. Distracting from the need perceive symbols in the form of letters and numbers, contemplating simply pleasant color combinations in various configurations for eyes to rest and toned up.
The fact is that the constant change in the shape of the drawings includes the work of the eye muscles, and a harmonious change in the color palette activates the macula on the retina, which is responsible for spectrum perception colors that our brains and the whole body need. Exactly by saturating the macula with color, clarity and sharpness are improved vision.
Variants of these videos can be easily found on the Internet. In extreme case, just look at the walls, curtains, flowers on the window or on some distant object in space. Without getting up from your workplace, I advise you to do exercises of one of the complexes from my previous videos, with its help you can turn into a simulator desk, phone, armchair and combine the necessary things with useful exercises.
As a result of the application of such recommendations, dealing with a computer, already in the process of training, note that they began to get tired less by the end of the day, they stopped hurting and watering eyes. At the same time, the use of relaxation techniques and various exercises for the eyes, neck, shoulders, arms improved the quality work and you can get more done and make fewer mistakes.
How to watch TV correctly for your vision summary and
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