We're Moving Into an Off-Grid Cabin Alone in the Woods
We’re moving to the woods alone!! After searching many months for a cabin in the woods we finally found an off grid rustic cabin to continue living tiny in the wilderness! We will always be a van life couple- van life will always be for us but in the meantime we’re building a beautiful home base by moving in the woods alone into a tiny cabin home! This is one chapter in our lives that we cannot wait to share with you. Get ready for off grid fun and diy cabin build projects wooooooo!! So happy to finally share this with you all 💛
Thank you Bosh Tools for Sponsoring our Off-Gris Cabin Build!
Call Keith Webb if looking for a home in Nova Scotia!
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MUSIC: Brought to you by Music Bed- Elevate your films & projects with better music http://share.mscbd.fm/vanwives
Our Journey! How did we get here?
We started living in our van full time in winter of February 2019. We drove across Canada spent 8 months on Vancouver Island working, living and traveling in our van. We then started our dream of overlanding Canada to Argentina. We fell in love with full time travel and van life as we carried on through Canada, USA, Mexico, & Guatemala. However, we couldn't keep overlanding due to the travel restrictions. Over the past year and a half we have drove across Canada showing so many beautiful off- grid camps, national parks and how to live in a van. Now we are embarking on one of the most challenging & exiting projects yet... We are building an off-grid cabin in the woods alone with no experience al the while living in a van!
Make sure you join us as we continue to create van life & cabin life vlogs of our alternative life style. We hope you've enjoyed our previous travel vlogs & continue to join us on our next chapter of building this beautiful off grid cabin!
If you enjoy our content please share our channel with your mates on social media or even over coffee! It truly makes a huge difference for our channel & community.
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INSTAGRAM! @vanwives
RAW and UNFILTERED content follow our personal accounts on instagram!
Jaz https://www.instagram.com/jazzyjoyy/?......
Crystal https://www.instagram.com/crysdd/?hl=...
Who we are?
We are the VANWIVES a Van Life Couple (Jazmyn and Crystal) and the other two members of our pack are our beautiful Australian Shepherd Van dogs Bella & Izzy. We are a lesbian couple from Canada who self converted a 2006 Sprinter Van to an off-grid home on wheels. We have been living in a van since February 2019 and love everything about VAN LIFE! We are so happy to be creating vlogs to bring you along for the road trip & show you what van life is really like... Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and join us on weekly adventures.
Thanks to everyone special who has encouraged us to start this epic adventure channel!
This is an LGBTQ+ safe place! We are always here to chat
See you on the Open Road!
Business Inquiries
Music License:
#vanlife #offgridcabin #movingintothewoodsalone