hey everyone ive had a good few days away again at skegness really it was worth the 3hr train joruney lol hope evryone enjoyed the vlog why not watch the first vlog i did the video is in the video suggestions or cards trust is amazing 🙂
Hey everyone im The Mystic Wolfie i play alot of minecraft so im now a minecrafter here
lets go i play with you the viewer's more info down below :)
Hear the things ive started to
-Minecraft builds
-Minecraft survival
-Minecraft packs/dlcs
-Minecraft realms
Minecraft SMP series is were you guys can join me in survival and go through the game together as a team and to have fun remember every world is different
Minecraft builds and SMP builds is were i build builds that may be useful such as survival bases/houses and more amazing builds
Minecraft realms/dlcs, SMP
I've been paying for content so me and you guys can enjoy new worlds on the series and realms yous can play when I'm offline.
Minecraft story mode, Minecraft dungeons are here lets go!. just trying new things hope you all enjoy
please support me on twitch with the link
join my discord.
The Mystics click link join the community.
sorry for any bad language or any bad mannderd content in this video
also follow me on twich i normally upload alot of videos there come join in and watch me behind the scence of mpst of the videos you see hear and we can have a laugh over there.https://www.twitch.tv/madwolf500
check out my dragonball edited fight content
check out my dbx2 content
check out my minecraft content
check out my fortnite content
this channel is mainly about the same subjexts however its how i edit videos and video ideas and how i get ideas and more vlogs and behind the scences ill still upload mrs browns boys haer and there bare in mimd it is copyrighted so ill try at least.thankyou wolfsters 🙂👍
with your support we can grow bigger and show them that this channel can be just as good.
my main channel has 1020 subs but ive recently gotten suspended im not sure why or how bit i know ive not got copyrighted strikes
theres two ways it can go 1 its beeing tuck down for good for some reason 2 yt is reviewing my channel to make sure it can be monitised
however im still gonna upload on this channel because if it get stuck down this will be the new
with your support we can grow bigger and show them that this channel can do it
i love playing video games i mostly find anime,marvel,especally the cartoons and movies are amazing.i aslo find epic games, really enteraining also i do like other games to such as saintsRow,gta at times,cod.it just does it for me.Ho i highly recommend flowing me on twich The Mystic Wolfie or type madwolf500
i should of realised it can bs used as a xp farm hahaahh noo o well
i love talking to new people and playing with them on new and fun games that relates to the channel i also like to find out where this channel may go for the time ahead i belive its got a future
lets make it happen togther
my channel needs 1000 subscribers so it would be awesome if you could show your support by both watching my videos and subscribing to my channel if you havent already done so.monetizing my videos allows me to invest back into the channel with new equipment so a small gesture from you goes a huge way for me.many thanks for your support.