How to sett boundaries in our life?

How to sett boundaries in our life?

Disclaimer: This is just a share from my own life experiences and from my readings about self-development, motivational and inspirational thoughts a tool we can use in our life journey in order to live our best life despite of the challenges we’re facing daily!
First of all we must acknowledge and know what is a boundary and understand it what it means. A boundary is a line which marks the limits of an area, it is a dividing line. It is a geometric boundaries are straight lines drawn by people. In order to sett healthy boundaries in our life, we must first realized our unhealthy boundaries, we work first with our unhealthy boundaries and turn it a positive one so it becomes easier for us to sett the healthy boundaries in our life. We must learn to realize that the healthy boundaries will improve our relationships. We must bear this is mind that No healthy relationship can thrive without clear boundaries, because these fence post provide more stability and better communication in a relationship. Acknowledge that boundaries give us greater control, because when we are clear and assertive about what our boundaries are and reinforce them with assertive statements such as saying No, we gain freedom to live life on our terms and not those of others. We must realize that boundaries give us greater self-confidence setting healthy boundaries is the single best thing we can do to build our own self-confidence. We must bear this in mind that boundaries protect our mind, our emotions and our bodies, all of who we are. They prevent us form being controlled or manipulated by others. We must realize that setting boundaries will help us to be a better communicator. As the book says there are two things are important when it comes to boundaries. It is identification and communication. Identification of our needs and boundaries is the first step. And the second step is communicating them. We need to be very clear and concise in the way that we communicate what we expect. We must acknowledge that a good communicator is clear, concise, on topic, transparent, firm and consistent! Healthy boundaries, we must communicate thoughts snd feelings honestly and respectfully. We must do Not assume the other person can guess what we are thinking or feeling. We must take responsibility for our actions and don’t be quick to blame! We must follow through with what we say, and No empty promises! As the scripture says in Proverbs 16:19. The mind of the man plans his way but the Lord direct his step! My point is we can use all this tools of thoughts I am sharing with you, but with God in our life journey always directs our steps!


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