Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2017/09/20/verabscheut-satans-lugen-uber-donald-trump-detest-satans-lies-about-donald-trump/
Video Playlist Love Letters... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtPpnHsvxszOUC9p-SrX4rO
Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/
Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/
EBook Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/all-love-letters-from-jesus-to-his-bride-as-pdf/
Your personal Rhema from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Website with Divine Revelations... https://jesus-comes.com
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org
Jesus says… Do everything with a pure Heart
& Detest Satan’s Lies about Donald
September 15, 2017 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare
Jesus began… “Some of you, My dear ones, have grown weary with fasting. Ask Me for the grace to indwell you in that special way when you do fast. But be convinced that your abstinence is also a pleasing sacrifice to Me and the Father. By denying yourselves of little pleasures and offering them to Me for your nation, much good is accomplished.”
“Let none of you go to extremes as regards fasting and be discreet, not letting on to others you are. In this way, your Father in Heaven will secretly reward that which you secretly gave. Anything other than this can become a point of pride very easily, as the devils will deceive and lure you into vainglory. Rather, be moderate, steady and seek Me on when to make changes.”
“Sometimes, you can offer pleasant foods and eat very plainly, denying special spices you enjoy, desserts and sweet snacks. Replace these with simple but nourishing food in moderation. Some of you can eat normal meals once a day and two snacks. Others can have a Daniel fast of vegetables or bread and water. But seek Me in all things, do not try to do it on your own.”
“There are times when your weaknesses overcome your good resolve. I want you to know that I may allow that to keep you humble, lest you begin to think of yourself and your strength rather than My grace.
"Your prayers are so very pleasing to Me and the littlest prayer does not go unnoticed. The littlest thanksgiving and praise and sacrifice – even the littlest – strikes the Heart of the Father with joy, all because it is done with a pure motive.”
“Purity of heart and love for your brother is everything. Without purity of heart, your prayers are much less than they could be. They become empty and lacking in moral strength. To offend charity is to offend Me, the angels, My Father and My Spirit and the Great Cloud of Witnesses.”
“So, when you come to the altar, be sure to check your conscience and forgive any who have wounded you in any way. Repent of anyone who you have judged or been difficult with. In this way, your prayers will be unhindered and so much more acceptable to My Father.”
“Right now, the condition of your country is in flux, tending toward the good. Some of you have disobeyed Me and watched the news – which is full of lies, defamation, discouragement – and designed to make you weak and lose faith in My choice for your president.
"If you feel badly about how things are going in your nation, you have not listened to Me alone, but allowed the enemy to sow lies into your thinking. You can be sure that the news stations and mainline networks are the mouth of Satan. If you insist on filling your mind with these lies, then you deserve to feel fear and unrest.”
“Everything that is being published and broadcasted, that negatively assesses the President (Trump), has been designed to get you to give up on your country and hand it over to the shadow government – so they can finish what they started and completely destroy America. To become just another satellite nation of the new world order, stripped of all Christianity on the way to becoming a Muslim nation.”
“Please, do not listen to, affirm or encourage listening to mainstream media. It is pure poison, arranged in the most underhanded way you can imagine. To listen to it is to listen to Satan’s broadcast and go into agreement with his agenda.”