A game on Busan.... this happens quite rare as we don't get this map quite often

A game on Busan.... this happens quite rare as we don't get this map quite often

Yep, we went to South Korea for this video and it was a very weird game haha. We saw two amazing names but I won't spoil it for your viewing as this was just weird haha as so many things happened in this game. Ninja getting a medal for doing things because he always gets a medal and a card at the end of a game, Manatee complaining about Bap as normal and me being....well me haha. The enemy team do say some weird things at the end of the game because that's what sore losers do haha, oh and Manatee chose to rub some salt in the wounds of them for some reason...ANYWAY be sure to check out BlueInk's insta, the Misfits Discord server and the Tic Tok in the comments below AND as always be sure to:
Give that subscribe button a death hug until it turns grey,
Slap that like button until it turns white/blue and lastly,
Ring that bell like it's dinner time until it doesn't stop ringing and I'll see you all very soon BYE BYE!!
My twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/shadowpho3nix22
Manatees twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/SUPERMANATEE9
Ninja's twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Ninja94455


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