CrossFit一定要懂的小迷思 - Scaling

CrossFit一定要懂的小迷思 - Scaling

被誤會的CrossFit - Scaling 🤔

每當我們在進行workout 最常遇到課表太難 我無法執行這個動作或這個重量時,教練就會讓我們把重量降輕或是調整
如果我的能力未能達到標準重量時教練就會請我們降輕(Scaled Down)
(Scaled Up)
Scale 不會只能降階 他也能做升階
Scale up OR Scale Down
這樣即使在同一堂課程,不論身體素質如何都能讓大家在同一時間進行今日的WOD 這就是CrossFit的特色之處 💪
Common Misconception in CrossFit - Scaling 🤔

CrossFit workouts emphasizes on scalability for any fitness level. This means that any workout exercise can be modified or “scaled” by changing the movement, weight, or repititions based on the athlete’s capabilities.

Within CrossFit, the standard workout is termed “RX” meaning that the athlete performs all exercises with the prescribed weights and repititions. If an athlete’s ability is not yet ready for the RX workout, movements can be “scaled down” and modified to an easier variation. Conversely, athletes who are seeking a more intense challenge can “scale up” their workout movements to a greater difficulty.

CrossFit classes aim to be inclusive in accommodating everyone from beginners who just stepped into their first gym to seasoned athletes preparing for the CrossFit Open. All abilities are welcomed to participate in the workout of the day. At the end of the day, it’s about the community of people you work out with on the journey to becoming stronger 💪

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