Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters recently that he is feeling "very good" about the Republican Party's chances in next year's midterm elections, and that's not a good thing for Democrats. McConnell is incredibly optimistic about Republicans' chances of retaking the Senate, even though Republicans have to defend 20 seats to the Democrats' 14. With corporations lining up to start writing checks, and Republican enthusiasm outpacing that of the Democratic voters, things are already looking terrible for next year. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.
Link - https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/580540-mcconnell-2022-midterms-will-be-very-good-election-for-republicans?rl=1
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell told a group of reporters earlier this week that he is exceptionally optimistic about the Republican party's chances of taking back both the House and the Senate in next year's mid-term elections. Now control of the House, that's fairly easy for Republicans to gain. Okay. Democrats only have a few seat advantage. Republicans can do that. And you would think, obviously, oh, well the Democrats and Republicans 50 50 in the Senate should be easy. No, Republicans have 20 seats up for grabs next year, Democrats only have 14. So in order for Republicans to take over a majority, they have to win all 20 of their races and defeat at least one Democrat. And for every one of their races for their incumbents, they do not win, that makes it an extra Democrat they would have to defeat. Taking over the Senate is a very difficult task for Republicans next year.
But Mitch McConnell told reporters, he thinks it's going to happen. Here's what he said. I think the Fall of 22 is likely to be a very good election for Republicans. I'm very optimistic. We have 50 Republican senators. I know what a real minority looks like. We had 40 after president Obama got elected. And so I think the wind is going to be at our back in both the House and Senate. I think there's a great likelihood of a pretty good election next year. So why is Mitch McConnell so optimistic? Well, for starters, Joe Biden's approval rating came out this week, 38%. Like he's getting into Trump numbers here. Vice-president Kamala Harris, 28%. Now that is definitely a Trump number. That's very bad. Signature pieces of legislation. What is Biden got? Well, they just passed the infrastructure bill, but they did not pass the build back better act, which actually includes most of the funding mechanisms for that infrastructure bill.
So that's going to be a hard sell. Beyond that, nothing. Beyond that, nothing. Yeah, he's appointed more judges than any other president since Nixon at this point in their term. That's great. Give him credit for that. But those are things that the public doesn't pay attention to. So the public is not sitting there watching each day as new judges get confirmed. They're being like, oh, hell yeah, let's go Brandon. No. You've got Republicans out there saying, let's go Brandon and we all know what that means. It's childish. It's stupid. But it's what Republicans do because they're, they're a little too scared to say the bad words, but they have already captured the message. And that is the problem and that is a theme I keep coming back to. Yes, Biden needs to do things. He could legalize marijuana at the federal level. He could forgive all student loan debts.
He could do all these great, wonderful things without having to go through Congress, but he's not doing it. And that's the problem. I understand the gridlock when you have to have legislation passed, but there's plenty you can do by executive order. There's plenty that you can do through your cabinet departments. You could do a lot and you're not and the public does see that. That's why Mitch McConnell is so optimistic. He knows that Joe Biden is basically just a figurehead.