NHRC Takes Cognizance of Kasganj Death; To Probe Matter Before Seeking Answers
#NHRC #KasganjDeath #RepublicTV
NHRC has now taken Cognizance of Kasganj Death. NHRC will probe the Matter Before Seeking Answers. The family members of a 22-year-old man, who died in police custody in this Uttar Pradesh district, have rejected the police theory of suicide and demanded justice and strict punishment for those responsible for his death. The family has said police are showing a letter purportedly signed by the victim's father, which gives a clean chit to the men in khaki, and alleged that it was obtained under pressure. Abrar Ahmad, the paternal uncle of Altaf who died in police custody in Kasganj on Tuesday, told reporters here that the letter that carries Altaf's father's thumb impression "has been managed through police pressure"
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