ऐसी जगह जहाँ कोई नहीं जा पाता || A place where no one can go || AniXscience ||

ऐसी जगह जहाँ कोई नहीं जा पाता || A place where no one can go || AniXscience ||

Some more information-
As per ancient text, it is said that no mortal shall be allowed to walk atop Mount Kailash, where among the clouds is the home of the gods. He who dares to start to the top of the mount to see the faces of the gods will be put to death. Scroll down further to know more about the mysterious abode of Lord Shiva.
Mount Kailash is one of the peaks found in the Kailash ranges which is spread across India and Tibet. Mount Kailash is believed to be the holy abode of Lord Shiva, he is said to be in an eternal meditation along with his consort Parvati and his much loved vehicle Nandi.
The place is also considered to be the abode of Buddha by the Buddhists and the followers of Jainism believe that this is the place from where Rishabh, the propagator of the religion, attained enlightenment. There are several mysterious activities which have been noticed at this peak and an interesting one amongst them is that nobody has been able to reach

kailash mountainkailash parvatkailash parvat ka rahasya

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