A clip from The Good Liars went viral the day before Virginia's gubernatorial election, with a conservative Virginia voter being asked why he doesn't like Critical Race Theory (which isn't taught in Virginia schools.) The voter can't explain a single thing about the concept, and instead says he just doesn't like it, even though he admits he doesn't know much about it. But these are the kinds of low-information voters that Republicans prey upon, and this has actually become the top issue for Virginia voters. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/virginia-governors-race-education-top-issue-voters
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Today's a big day at the polls, especially in the state of Virginia, governor's race, Democrat incumbent Terry McAuliffe versus Republican challenger Glenn Youngkin, and unfortunately for the Democrats, Republicans have captured the narrative of the Virginia gubernatorial race. And now the most important issue for voters as they head to the polls today is education. So what's happening with the education system in the state of Virginia? The answer is nothing, nothing at all. But Republicans want you to think that Mr. McAuliffe wants to force critical race theory onto your children in the state of Virginia. The only problem is that even though Republicans and voters in the state say, oh, this is super important. They don't know what it means. A clip yesterday went viral, from a group called the good liars where they actually went, found a conservative Virginia voter and well, without giving too much away. Here's the clip.
What's the most important issue in the governor's race here in Virginia?
Getting back to the basics of teaching children, not teaching them critical race theory.
And, uh, and what is critical race theory?
Well, I'm not going to get into the specifics of it because I don't understand it that much, but it's something that I don't, what little bit that I know, I don't care for.
And what have you heard that, that you don't, that you don't like?
Well, I'm not, I'm not gonna, you know, I don't, uh, I don't, I don't have that much knowledge on it, but it's something that I'm not, that I don't care for.
Well, he doesn't know what it is, but he just, he knows what he's heard about it he doesn't like, even though he can't even tell you what he's heard about it, because he don't want to get into that, because he doesn't know. This is not a one-off person either, right? The good liars people didn't just go and find the dumbest person they could find. They literally found the first guy they came across and asked the question, and this has happened all over the place. We've actually seen Republican lawmakers in some of these Southern states down here when asked what critical race theory is not be able to give an answer because they don't even know. And for the record, critical race theory is not in fact, taught in Virginia schools. In fact, it's really not taught in American public schools. That's more of a collegiate level theory that most people who go to college don't even have to learn about. Republicans created this issue for this specific reason.
Like what's happening in Virginia. To make more people sound like that idiot from that clip, because that's what they all sound like. They don't know what it is. But I sure don't like it because that's how Republicans win culture wars, folks. They took something that essentially didn't exist, right? Critical race theory being taught in public schools, grades K through 12, not a thing. But they turned it into a thing, they pretended it was a thing and now they've got millions of idiots across the country, and yes, they're idiots, off and scared about something that doesn't even exist. Something that doesn't affect them, something they can't even define. They don't know what it is, but they're scared as hell of it. That is how Republicans win elections.