Jen Psaki's Most Outrageous Claim Yet

Jen Psaki's Most Outrageous Claim Yet

In cities across America, criminals and repeat offenders are breaking into retail stores across the country, stealing merchandise, and destroying storefronts and property. And the cities where most of this criminal activity is occurring are also those that have changed their policies for the worse –policies like no bail, no bond, and criminals being quickly released back into the streets.

In a press conference, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about this issue:

"But, to your point, so when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store – a CVS, a Nordstrom, a Home Depot – until the shelves are clean, do you think that’s because of the pandemic?"

To which, Sec. Psaki blamed the pandemic for this violence:

"I think a root cause in a lot of communities is the pandemic, yes."

ACLJ Director of Government Affairs Thann Bennett explained how this is not related to the pandemic:

"It is things like 'defund the police' or the fact that there are no consequences for actions. No bail policies. No bond policies. If you reverse those policies, it would make a direct impact on this criminal activity. . . . Then on a societal level, you see group after group on the Left doing things like attacking the value of the nuclear family or attacking the presence of the parents in the lives of children. . . . Both the policy and the societal side, it is like they are throwing up their hands and pretending there is nothing they can do but blame it on the pandemic."

ACLJ Director of Policy Harry Hutchison explained how this incentivizes criminal behavior:

"What Jen Psaki and the Biden Administration ignore is that neither guns nor COVID has anything to do with America’s crime wave. What is most imperative to understand with respect to America’s crime wave is that it is driven by ideological considerations. So, where was Joe Biden when the defund the police movement started? Where was Joe Biden when the low bail movement was started? So, if you consider the individual charged with driving his SUV into his Christmas parade and massacring up to 7 or 8 people in Wisconsin. Mr. Brooks is what, a career criminal. He was out on $1,000 cash bail after he allegedly punched the mother of his child and purposely ran over her with her vehicle. And after being convicted for abusing his partner . . . and what was he out on bail for in terms of the total amount? Roughly $1,000, maybe $1,500 dollars. So, what we are doing in these blue cities is, we are incentivizing crime."


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