How to Make Goals You'll Actually Accomplish

How to Make Goals You'll Actually Accomplish

Most people have no idea how to set goals. Setting goals will set you up for success in actually accomplishing those goals.

When you set a goal, you need to have a massive reason WHY you want to accomplish that goal. You need to make goals you actually accomplish and in order to do that you need to make the goal SMART and purposeful.

A SMART goal is a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. If you're missing any of those elements, its not a SMART goal.

A goal I think won't be accomplished would be - I want to lose weight because it's healthy. A goal that has a good chance of being accomplished would be - I want to lose 30lbs this year so I can increase my chances of seeing my grandkids while being healthy enough to enjoy my time with them. That goal is SMART and has a big WHY attached to it.

Now that we've created a smart goal, let's talk about how to accomplish it. Under every outcome based goal are process based goals that need to be accomplished to actually get to the outcome. Boil these goals down to daily tasks and complete these tasks relentlessly.

Make your daily tasks easier to accomplish by limiting your time on social media and keeping your goals front and center.

00:00 - Intro
01:33 - Find your Why
02:50 - SMART Goals
03:25 - Outcome and Process Goals
04:00 - How to Accomplish Your Goals
04:50 - Daily Tasks
05:50 - Execute on Daily Tasks
06:40 - Your Biggest Obstacle
07:20 - Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle
07:53 - Develop Good Habits
09:00 - Keep Your Goals Front of Mind
10:00 - Recap
10:27 - Outro

How to Make goals you'll actually accomplishhow to make goals and accomplish themhow to make goals for 2022

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