Japan is completely paralyzed: The height of snowdrifts exceeds 4 meters

Japan is completely paralyzed: The height of snowdrifts exceeds 4 meters

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What is happening in this world: natural disasters on the planet of Earth.
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In Japan, there was a heavy snowfall, in some parts of the country a record amount of snow fell.
The Japan Meteorological Agency said the snowfall was caused by winter pressure combined with cold air masses. Record snowfalls took place in the city of Maibara, Chiga Prefecture and in the city of Sapporo, Hokkaido. In Sekigahara, 98 cm of snow fell in two days, which is also a record figure.
In some areas, due to snowfalls, trains had to be stopped. In mountainous areas, the height of the snow cover in some places exceeds 4 meters.
The Japan Meteorological Agency has warned residents of snowy regions of possible power outages and snow avalanches.

The channel presents such weather events and natural disasters as:

1. Water: rain, hail, snowfall, flood, mudflow, tsunami, high tide, heavy rainfall, snow, huge waves, river flooding, dam overflow, ice flood, snowfall.
2. Fire: fire, forest fire, volcanic lava, lightning.
3. Earth: earthquake, landslide, rockfall, sinkhole.
4. Air: tornado, hurricane, wind, cyclone, storm, typhoon, sandstorm, tropical storm.
5. Space: lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, planetary parade, asteroid, comet, planet, satellite, meteorite, UFO, fireball in the sky, space debris, full moon, ISS, space exploration, Space X, NASA.
6. Nature: animals, insects, plants, climatic zones, natural events and phenomena.

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ATTENTION: All videos are taken from public sources. The selection is carried out by date of publication, title, description and place of the event. Sometimes, due to unfair posting of news on social networks, the video may contain frames that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check all videos. We apologize for possible mistakes!


When the earth is angryweather eventsnatural disaster

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