What Happens in Testicular Torsion? | Symptoms, Causes And Treatment (Urdu/Hindi)

What Happens in Testicular Torsion? | Symptoms, Causes And Treatment (Urdu/Hindi)

What Is Testicular Torsion?
testicular torsion is an emergency condition. It occurs when the spermatic cord, which supplies blood to the testicle, spins and twists. The twisting cuts off the blood supply to the testicle, resulting in severe discomfort and swelling.
Testicular torsion can irreversibly harm the testicle if it continues for more than a few hours, and a damaged testicle must be removed.
What Causes Testicular Torsion?
The majority of cases of testicular torsion involve men who have a disease known as bell clapper deformity. The testicles in most males are linked to the scrotum, making twisting difficult. Males with the bell clapper malformation have unsecured testicles that can move and twist in the scrotum.
What Are the Symptoms of Testicular Torsion?
swelling, Pain and one testicle appears to be higher than the other.

How Is Testicular Torsion Treated?
A surgeon or urologist will make a small cut in the scrotum, untwist the spermatic cord, and stitch the testicles to the inside of the scrotum to prevent future torsions.

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