I can't believe it but STD-Dee is actually as stupid as Chanpiggy, maybe these 3 cracked out stooges are the perfect throuple
Because to handle Sam's Bar Lounge dropping another explosive damning video, they pulled the ol' Chantoddler's "Guyz the cops were here and they were like Oh are you the famous Youtuber Chantal Foodie Beauty? Wow cool and it's also cool that you are super high and it's very legal to be very high" when people called cops on her for driving high and just being absolutely wrecked off obviously highly illegal substances
So to get people off her trail, she claimed the cops came to her and confirmed she was totally cool and legal and she's so badass she was like 'yo did you coppers wanna smoke one up?' 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
That's what these 2 morons did tonight. STDee-Dee claimed that she spoke with Important Scary Detectives for 45 minutes ("I SPEAK TO DEM 2 MINUTES" interjected the crackbaby) and the Scary Important Detectives wanted to know how to spell Jennifer Korvina's youtube user name and also PrettyJeanius' youtube user name because, and I quote, "because it could be spelled with a G or a J" frenetically claimed Pecan Pie eater Dee Dee. Everything! They wanted to know everything, continued the slippers stealer. And the Important Detectives said to call them if Sam's Bar Lounge did anything, WHICH! THEY! DID! With this video tonight, declared Pecan Dee
So apparently PrettyJeanius is a practicing attorney and Jennifer Korvina served in the US Air Force. And this is the best the cracked out methbaby and drunk could come up with? "I spoke to police detectives and they said to call them personally if there was anymore mean youtube videos about us~~~~~~ so they better watch out~~~~"
The methed out baboon screeches for almost 4 hours about how good of a person he is and how much BROOF HE HAS against PrettyJeanius and Jennifer Korvina. In a fury he pulls out the phone Chanpiggy bought him and his gross clubbed fingers poke and poke at it to find THE MOST DAMNING BROOF WE'VE EVER SEEN IN OUR WHOLE LIVES. SEE
Jennifer Korvina said something about a virtual tour of a home months ago
Then he snatches the phone bought and given to his bum ass out of view and says "I DONT SHOW ANYTHING ELSE BECAUSE RESPECT" or whatever stupid money dumbassery he always says
You know if I remember correctly, he was always quick to show every single conversation or picture or this and that about his ex-members or chantal, but not one single thing about Jennifer Korvina or PrettyJeanius to prove any claim they have, including PrettyJeanius is a dom who squishes men's pee pees with high heels
Even if they do show proof of all this..... WHAT👏🏻DOES👏🏻THAT👏🏻MATTER👏🏻?!??!!?!??!?!?!? DOES THAT CHANGE THE FACT THAT THERE'S VIDEO SHOWING HIS UGLY METHED OUT FACE SPITTING WITH RAGE THAT DD'S BEST FRIEND OF 30 YEARS DOESN'T WANT TO SLEEP WITH HIM (jeez wonder why.....such a mystery why she wouldnt....) ?!
HOW DOES anything they're trying to claim about Jennifer Korvina or PrettyJeanius change the heavy slaps we hear, DD saying the words out loud "he slapped my face as hard as he could" or the other bone chillingly disturbing things that were released in Sam's Bar Lounge tonight, including a video shot of DD holding her face in the aftermath
They also keep rabidly insisting Sam's Bar Lounge is purchasing these exposé videos from Jennifer Korvina or PrettyJeanius? Or that they are making a ton of money releasing these videos. ONCE AND FOR ALL 📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢
SAM'S BAR LOUNGE ISN'T MONETIZED. They do not list their paypal or PO boxes like you might notice with say, the slap heavy violent talentless hack pretend-chef's channel?
It's really alarming how easily they lie lie lie. Just like Chanpiggy oink oink. They can't take any more of the heat and end the live by lying and saying the police are there at 2am, I'm sure to compliment NadUURRR on his burnt dry pasta meal (yes that happened - he dumped a bag of dry pasta into a pan and roasted TF out of it for like 25 minutes) and to get information from them to go arrest Sam's Bar Lounge STRAIGHTAWAY!!
Their BIGGEST argument for this whole thing is "women can be crazy" said Pecan DD who has less self-respect than chanpiggy of all people. And it's ALLLLL over the crackgoblin's infected oozing pencil dick
STD-Dee also kept calling herself a smart girl and independent woman boss bitch. It was the worst