Explained What are solar winds that will likely create geomagnetic storms

Explained What are solar winds that will likely create geomagnetic storms

Earth is set to experience geomagnetic storms on Tuesday as the planet comes in the way of a fast-moving stream of solar winds. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that the gaseous material is flowing from an equatorial hole in the sun's atmosphere. The massive solar storm is expected to cause disruptions in satellites in Earth's atmosphere as well as television broadcasts and mobile phone signals. Power grids could also be vulnerable to the event. NOAA said that if the storm occurs, midsummer auroras could appear at high latitudes, on the poles. With the solar minimum (a period marked by the least amount of solar activity) ending, the Sun is 'waking up' again and solar magnetic fields are strengthening, providing a stiffer barrier to cosmic rays trying to enter the Solar System. Spaceweather.com observed changes above the surface of Earth, stating that Solar Cycle 25 is gaining strength. What are solar winds? Solar winds are powerful storms that travel throughout the Solar System at a speed of over one million miles per hour. These winds are visible in the halo around the Sun during an eclipse and sometimes when the particles hit the Earth’s atmosphere — they are seen as the aurora borealis or northern lights. The largest storms that result from these conditions are associated with solar Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). (Photo: Nasa)According to the University of Chicago, as the Sun spins on its axis, it creates complex swirls and eddies of particles comprising of protons and electrons that flow towards the Earth and other planets of the Solar System. These flowing particles are called solar winds, which has the power of affecting telecommunications. The solar winds were first observed by physicist Eugene Parker, who in 1957 started research around the question "Are particles coming off of the sun?" Parker calculated the Sun’s corona was a million degrees hot and particles had to be flowing outwards expanding away from its surface, reaching speeds faster than that of sound. His paper in the Astrophysical Journal revolutionised the field and a Nasa spacecraft called Mariner II took the readings three years later on its journey to Venus in 1962. The probe confirmed solar winds blowing 24 hours a day. How do solar winds affect us? Earth is shielded by strong magnetic fields that protect us from the deadly radiations of the Sun. However, at times the Sun emits stronger flares throwing a billion tons of material into space. Shockwaves and material from these Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) could damage telecommunication across the world. The explosion was generated at an equatorial hole that has recently popped up in the Sun’s atmosphere. (Photo: Nasa)A giant solar eruption known as the Carrington Event in 1859 had shut down telegraph and electrical systems for days triggering one of the strongest auroras on the planet.

All data is taken from the source: http://indiatoday.in
Article Link: https://www.indiatoday.in/science/story/explained-what-are-solar-winds-that-will-likely-create-geomagnetic-storms-on-earth-1827509-2021-07-13

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